metaprogramming and politics

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Traditional family models in the IT and Python world

with 5 comments

from “Traditional family not in bible” (click on image goes to related article form

PSF’s code of conduct enforcement is a good step, but what about the many traditional family models in the IT world? I know many fathers which are busy fulltime with non-child stuff, and their partners have the main child responsibility. I heart three main reasonings for this situation and i don’t fully buy them:

  • an economic one: the guy working brings more money into the household. This kind of perpetuates the inequality situation, doesn’t it? And is having less money really an issue? Is part-time working impossible? In germany you have a legal right to do part-time work, to begin with.
  • a biologistic one: women can “naturally” or genetically care better than men for children. One, I’ve seen fathers doing just fine. Two, are we entirely determined by genetics? I see genetics as some kind of hardware, and software can do lots of different things on it. Culture is shaped as much as software. There is no such thing as “objective” nature.
  • go away, it’s a family’s private business and choices. Nevertheless such choices are also culturally determined. Often there is no explicit discussion or choice but rather a fallback to the default, often induced by the facts of birth and breast feeding. How many fathers discuss the issue of child-care openly and regularly, offering changes to give a real choice?

Rest assured, I really like the projects i am hacking on as much as the other guy. Sometimes i feel that caring often for my child makes this harder. On the plus side, it gives me better focus because my time is more limited. And more often than not, i am grateful and have a lot of fun being with my little one.

Now, if more fathers in the Python communities were busier with their children, what would that change in terms of conference attendance of women? Not sure there would be any direct effect except maybe lower conference attendance of men, rising the percentage of women. It would set a good example, however, and help mid- to long-term, i am sure.

Sometimes i like to ask myself this question: when i am dying and wonder what should i have done rather differently? I doubt i am going to say “i should have released one more library, earned more money, become more popular”.

Written by holger krekel

December 14, 2012 at 10:38 am

5 Responses

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  1. To clarify as i have been asked twice already over twitter about the connection between Code of Conduct (CoC) and family models. The topic of a “code of conduct” for me deals with behaviour and related role models. A CoC tries to improve the environment of conferences especially for women (but not only). For me this relates to the more general issue of role models in families which contribute to a much larger participance from men than women at conferences.

    holger krekel

    December 14, 2012 at 11:19 am

  2. […] (und umsetzen). Gute Idee, meint hpk42, und fragt sich gleichzeitig, wie es denn so mit den traditionellen Familienmodellen in der IT und Python world (engl.) […]

  3. It’s said to see how a very bad idea of CoC spreads like a virus…

    Piotr Dobrogost

    December 14, 2012 at 7:57 pm

    • What makes CoC or my thoughts a bad idea or bad way to look at the world, in your view?

      holger krekel

      December 14, 2012 at 8:10 pm

  4. […] are many male programmers working 40 hours a week while their wife cares at home for children? See Traditional family models in the IT and Python world for more on this […]

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